
NEO Studio harnesses the power of technology to create spaces that are both intelligent and aesthetically captivating.

NEO Studio speciliases in urban, architectural, interior, and industrial design innovation.

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dedicated to delivering exceptional results


Our team at NEO Studio boasts a diverse range of expertise, encompassing architectural innovation, sustainable design, and urban planning. With a profound commitment to precision and creativity, we seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology, including artificial intelligence, into our design processes.

Architectural Design

NEO Studio epitomizes a paradigm of architectural design that celebrates newness, fluidity, dynamism, and innovation. We embrace bold, sculptural forms and experimental geometries.

Technology Driven Design

NEO Studio embraces technology as a catalyst for design innovation. Our design process integrates advanced digital tools and parametric design principles to create adaptive, responsive spaces.
We leverage technology not only to optimize form and function but also to enhance sustainability and user experience.

Industrial Design

NEO Studio's industrial design ethos is characterized by innovation, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. We create products and environments that seamlessly integrate form and function. Our industrial design projects range from furniture and lighting to consumer electronics and transportation design.

Landscape Design

NEO Studio's landscape design ethos is rooted in a deep appreciation for nature and its integration into the built environment. Drawing inspiration from the principles of biomimicry and ecological sustainability, we create landscapes that harmonize with their surroundings, promote biodiversity, and enhance the quality of life for inhabitants. Our landscape design projects range from private gardens and parks to green infrastructure and ecological restoration.

Urban Design

NEO Studio envisions vibrant, sustainable communities that prioritize human-centric spaces and connectivity. Inspired by the principles of placemaking and urban resilience, we create environments that foster social interaction, economic vitality, and environmental stewardship. Our urban design projects range from large-scale masterplans to public spaces and streetscapes.